Ryan Tang
2024-12-07 14:29:35 -0500
770d2c5af4I tested with QDC AMC version 135.17, the Overthreshold is working.Ryan Tang2024-11-21 18:40:07 -0500
d3f97358e2QDC, Add the OverThresholdWidth setting, but only for ROC > 4.15 and AMC > 135.15Ryan Tang2024-11-21 18:21:32 -0500
c1f223532cadded a button on the channel setting to set default channel settings for Si-detectorRyan Tang2024-11-01 17:03:10 -0400
9bdd6b77ebseperate out ProgramChannel from ProgramBoard in Digitizer ClassRyan Tang2024-11-01 16:42:31 -0400
81b2fba623Rename trigger : Independent --> Normal, Trig Valid, from Both From Mather Board to Both from TRG_VAL; More GUI bugs fix for trigger related settingsRyan Tang2024-10-31 18:03:12 -0400
804fa07c9cadd QCoreApplication::processEvent() to solve the GUI laggingRyan Tang2024-10-21 19:11:44 -0400
4e111085c0in ClassDigitizer, get data can use totalIndex, which will % dataSize. simplify HistFilling. Qthread will block mainGUI ?Ryan Tang2024-10-21 19:09:44 -0400
ae567c0714improve scope for QDC and PSD, add subChannelMask in ScopeRyan Tang2024-10-21 15:11:33 -0400
9367670a53bug fix of Scope, only-1-channel for QDCRyan Tang2024-10-18 17:54:43 -0400
60da1a4bd6first set of commits
2024-09-05 15:03:31 -0500
3b3a22382b[Major] Scalar cannot be put in Thread, becuase it update QLineEdit of the MainThread and it is not thread-safe
2024-09-04 17:50:59 -0400
dfdc5c4700fixed a UI issue for PSD channel, the SetUpComBoBoxBit cannot span colRyan Tang2024-09-04 16:39:19 -0400
13b2a3d63dSet PSD default is fine time. fix UI bug for PSDRyan Tang2024-09-04 16:26:21 -0400
8baa37142cadd some debug code in EventBuilder and fsuReader.h, ReadBatch can switch off trace
2024-09-04 03:09:08 -0400
11ae70db18remove scope Qtimer for scalar, use the Scope::TellACQOnOff to start/stop work for scalar, singleHostogram, and onlineAnalyzerRyan Tang2024-08-29 17:15:36 -0400
c2265f3cc6remove TimingThread, Scope::UpdateScope() in Qthread via a worker. ScalarUpdateTimeinMiliSec in macro.hRyan Tang2024-08-29 16:49:52 -0400
2abdc83549added analyzer/, move the isWorking from the custom analyzer to Analyzer, so user don't need to worryRyan Tang2024-08-29 15:47:07 -0400
b3ace2cc84[MAJOR] Analayzer::UpdateHistograms moved to a worker that in a thread, only tested with CoincidentAnalyzer, need to change othersRyan Tang2024-08-29 14:45:11 -0400
f65a6f9ef5EventBuilder only output root file, and FSU2CAEN output CoMPASS BIN. the CoMPASS BIN can be converted to root using other repositoryRyan Tang2024-08-14 13:46:52 -0400