<li>Use the <ahref="heliosmatics.html"target="uploaded">HELIOSmatics</a> to check the detector and field settings.</li>
<li>The easiest way to do DWBA and Monte Carlo Simulation is use the <ahref="simpleSim.html"target="uploaded">Simplied Interface</a>
<li>The kenimatic calculation is documented in <ahref="https://wiki.anl.gov/wiki_heliosdaq/images/3/3f/Kinematics_of_HELIOS.pdf"target="_blank">Here</a>.</li>
<li>The DWBA calucation is using Ptolemy. <ahref="https://www.phy.anl.gov/theory/research/ptolemy/"target="_blank">Here</a> for more detail. </li>
<li>Past calculations can be found <ahref="files/"target="uploaded">Here</a>. Clear every Monday.</li>
<h4>This page is created and hosted by Fox's Lab (FSU) in collabortion with SOLARIS (FRIB).</h4>
<h4>The SOLARIS project is based on HELIOS (ANL) and is leaded by ANL.</h4>
<h4>The ISS (ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer) is located as CERN.</h4>