Move EventBuilder to the DAQ code. in progress of the Webbase Simulation code
This commit is contained in:
@ -124,7 +124,11 @@
"script_multi.C": "cpp",
"Isotope.C": "cpp",
"classisotope.h": "c",
"knockoutSim.C": "cpp"
"knockoutSim.C": "cpp",
"test.C": "cpp",
"SimTransfer.C": "cpp",
"httpaccess.C": "cpp",
"httpcontrol.C": "cpp"
"better-comments.multilineComments": true,
@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
#include "SolReader.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TMacro.h"
//#include "TClonesArray.h" // plan to save trace as TVector with TClonesArray
//#include "TVector.h"
#define MAX_MULTI 64
#define MAX_TRACE_LEN 2500
#define tick2ns 8 // 1 tick = 8 ns
SolReader ** reader;
Hit ** hit;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> idList;
unsigned long totFileSize = 0;
unsigned long processedFileSize = 0;
std::vector<int> activeFileID;
std::vector<int> groupIndex;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> group; // group[i][j], i = group ID, j = group member)
void findEarliestTime(int &fileID, int &groupID){
unsigned long firstTime = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < (int) activeFileID.size(); i++){
int id = activeFileID[i];
if( i == 0 ) {
firstTime = hit[id]->timestamp;
fileID = id;
groupID = i;
//printf("%d | %d %lu %d | %d \n", id, reader[id]->GetBlockID(), hit[id]->timestamp, hit[id]->channel, (int) activeFileID.size());
if( hit[id]->timestamp <= firstTime) {
firstTime = hit[id]->timestamp;
fileID = id;
groupID = i;
//printf("%d | %d %lu %d | %d \n", id, reader[id]->GetBlockID(), hit[id]->timestamp, hit[id]->channel, (int) activeFileID.size());
unsigned long long evID = 0;
unsigned int multi = 0;
unsigned short bd[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
unsigned short sn[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
unsigned short ch[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
unsigned short e[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
unsigned short e2[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; //for PSD energy short
unsigned long long e_t[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
unsigned short e_f[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
unsigned short lowFlag[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
unsigned short highFlag[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
int traceLen[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
int trace[MAX_MULTI][MAX_TRACE_LEN] = {0};
void fillData(int &fileID, const bool &saveTrace){
bd[multi] = idList[fileID][1];
sn[multi] = idList[fileID][3];
ch[multi] = hit[fileID]->channel;
e[multi] = hit[fileID]->energy;
e2[multi] = hit[fileID]->energy_short;
e_t[multi] = hit[fileID]->timestamp;
e_f[multi] = hit[fileID]->fine_timestamp;
lowFlag[multi] = hit[fileID]->flags_low_priority;
highFlag[multi] = hit[fileID]->flags_high_priority;
if( saveTrace ){
traceLen[multi] = hit[fileID]->traceLenght;
for( int i = 0; i < TMath::Min(traceLen[multi], MAX_TRACE_LEN); i++){
trace[multi][i] = hit[fileID]->analog_probes[0][i];
void printEvent(){
printf("==================== evID : %llu\n", evID);
for( int i = 0; i < multi; i++){
printf(" %2d | %d %d | %llu %d \n", i, bd[i], ch[i], e_t[i], e[i] );
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
printf("=== SOLARIS Event Builder sol --> root ===\n");
if( argc <= 3){
printf("%s [outfile] [timeWindow] [saveTrace] [sol-1] [sol-2] ... \n", argv[0]);
printf(" outfile : output root file name\n");
printf(" timeWindow : number of tick, 1 tick = %d ns.\n", tick2ns);
printf(" saveTrace : 1 = save trace, 0 = no trace\n");
printf(" sol-X : the sol file(s)\n");
return -1;
// for( int i = 0; i < argc; i++){
// printf("%d | %s\n", i, argv[i]);
// }
TString outFileName = argv[1];
int timeWindow = abs(atoi(argv[2]));
const bool saveTrace = atoi(argv[3]);
const int nFile = argc - 4;
TString inFileName[nFile];
for( int i = 0 ; i < nFile ; i++){
inFileName[i] = argv[i+4];
//*======================================== setup reader
reader = new SolReader*[nFile];
hit = new Hit *[nFile];
for( int i = 0 ; i < nFile ; i++){
reader[i] = new SolReader(inFileName[i].Data());
hit[i] = reader[i]->hit; //TODO check is file open propertly
reader[i]->ReadNextBlock(); // read the first block
//*======================================== group files
for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){
TString fn = inFileName[i];
int pos = fn.Last('/'); // path
fn.Remove(0, pos+1);
pos = fn.First('_'); // expName;
fn.Remove(0, pos+1);
pos = fn.First('_'); // runNum;
fn.Remove(0, pos+1);
pos = fn.First('_'); // digiID
TString f1 = fn;
int digiID = f1.Remove(pos).Atoi();
fn.Remove(0, pos+1);
pos = fn.Last('_'); // digi serial num
f1 = fn;
int digisn = f1.Remove(pos).Atoi();
fn.Remove(0, pos+1);
pos = fn.First('.'); // get the file id;
int indexID = fn.Remove(pos).Atoi();
int fileID = i;
std::vector<int> haha = {fileID, digiID, indexID, digisn};
// sort by digiID
std::sort(idList.begin(), idList.end(), [](const std::vector<int>& a, const std::vector<int>& b){
if (a[1] == b[1]) {
return a[2] < b[2];
return a[1] < b[1];
group.clear(); // group[i][j], i is the group Index = digiID
int last_id = 0;
std::vector<int> kaka;
for( int i = 0; i < (int) idList.size() ; i++){
if( i == 0 ) {
last_id = idList[i][1];
if( idList[i][1] != last_id ) {
last_id = idList[i][1];
printf(" out file : \033[1;33m%s\033[m\n", outFileName.Data());
printf(" Event building time window : %d tics = %d nsec \n", timeWindow, timeWindow*tick2ns);
printf(" Save Trace ? %s \n", saveTrace ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" Number of input file : %d \n", nFile);
for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){
printf(" %2d| %5.1f MB| %s \n", i, reader[i]->GetFileSize()/1024./1024., inFileName[i].Data());
totFileSize += reader[i]->GetFileSize();
for( int i = 0; i < (int) group.size(); i++){
printf("Group %d :", i);
for( int j = 0; j < (int) group[i].size(); j ++){
printf("%d, ", group[i][j]);
//*======================================== setup tree
TFile * outRootFile = new TFile(outFileName, "recreate");
TTree * tree = new TTree("tree", outFileName);
tree->Branch("evID", &evID, "event_ID/l");
tree->Branch("multi", &multi, "multi/i");
tree->Branch("bd", bd, "board[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("sn", sn, "sn[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("ch", ch, "channel[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("e", e, "energy[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("e2", e2, "energy_short[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("e_t", e_t, "timestamp[multi]/l");
tree->Branch("e_f", e_f, "fine_timestamp[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("lowFlag", lowFlag, "lowFlag[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("highFlag", highFlag, "highFlag[multi]/s");
if( saveTrace){
tree->Branch("tl", traceLen, "traceLen[multi]/I");
tree->Branch("trace", trace, Form("trace[multi][%d]/I", MAX_TRACE_LEN));
//*=========================================== build event
//@---- using file from group[i][0] first
//--- find earlist time among the files
groupIndex.clear(); //the index of each group
for(int i = 0; i < (int) group.size(); i++) {
int fileID = 0;
int groupID = 0;
findEarliestTime(fileID, groupID);
fillData(fileID, saveTrace);
unsigned long firstTimeStamp = hit[fileID]->timestamp;
unsigned long lastTimeStamp = 0;
int last_precentage = 0;
while((activeFileID.size() > 0)){
findEarliestTime(fileID, groupID);
if( reader[fileID]->IsEndOfFile() ){
groupIndex[groupID] ++;
if( groupIndex[groupID] < (int) group[groupID].size() ){
activeFileID[groupID] = group[groupID][groupIndex[groupID]];
fileID = activeFileID[groupID];
activeFileID.erase(activeFileID.begin() + groupID);
if( hit[fileID]->timestamp - e_t[0] < timeWindow ){
fillData(fileID, saveTrace);
evID ++;
multi = 0;
fillData(fileID, saveTrace);
///========= calculate progress
processedFileSize = 0;
for( int p = 0; p < (int) group.size(); p ++){
for( int q = 0; q <= groupIndex[p]; q++){
if( groupIndex[p] < (int) group[p].size() ){
int id = group[p][q];
processedFileSize += reader[id]->GetFilePos();
double percentage = processedFileSize * 100/ totFileSize;
if( percentage >= last_precentage ) {
printf("Processed : %llu, %.0f%% | %lu/%lu | ", evID, percentage, processedFileSize, totFileSize);
for( int i = 0; i < (int) activeFileID.size(); i++) printf("%d, ", activeFileID[i]);
printf(" \n\033[A\r");
last_precentage = percentage + 1.0;
}; ///====== end of event building loop
processedFileSize = 0;
for( int p = 0; p < (int) group.size(); p ++){
for( int q = 0; q < (int) group[p].size(); q++){
int id = group[p][q];
processedFileSize += reader[id]->GetFilePos();
double percentage = processedFileSize * 100/ totFileSize;
printf("Processed : %llu, %.0f%% | %lu/%lu \n", evID, percentage, processedFileSize, totFileSize);
lastTimeStamp = hit[fileID]->timestamp;
//*=========================================== save file
evID ++;
//*=========================================== Save timestamp as TMacro
TMacro timeStamp;
TString str;
str.Form("%lu", firstTimeStamp); timeStamp.AddLine( str.Data() );
str.Form("%lu", lastTimeStamp); timeStamp.AddLine( str.Data() );
unsigned int numBlock = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){
//printf("%d | %8ld | %10u/%10u\n", i, reader[i]->GetBlockID() + 1, reader[i]->GetFilePos(), reader[i]->GetFileSize());
numBlock += reader[i]->GetBlockID() + 1;
printf("===================================== done. \n");
printf("Number of Block Scanned : %u\n", numBlock);
printf(" Number of Event Built : %lld\n", evID);
printf(" Output Root File Size : %.2f MB\n", outRootFile->GetSize()/1024./1024.);
printf(" first timestamp : %lu \n", firstTimeStamp);
printf(" last timestamp : %lu \n", lastTimeStamp);
unsigned long duration = lastTimeStamp - firstTimeStamp;
printf(" total duration : %lu = %.2f sec \n", duration, duration * tick2ns * 1.0 / 1e9 );
printf("===================================== end of summary. \n");
//^############## delete new
for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++) delete reader[i];
delete [] reader;
return 0;
@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
#ifndef HIT_H
#define HIT_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#define MaxTraceLenght 8100
enum DataFormat{
ALL = 0x00,
OneTrace = 0x01,
NoTrace = 0x02,
Minimum = 0x03,
MiniWithFineTime = 0x04,
Raw = 0x0A,
namespace DPPType{
const std::string PHA = "DPP_PHA";
const std::string PSD = "DPP_PSD";
class Hit {
unsigned short dataType;
std::string DPPType;
///============= for dpp-pha
uint8_t channel; // 6 bit
uint16_t energy; // 16 bit
uint16_t energy_short; // 16 bit, only for PSD
uint64_t timestamp; // 48 bit
uint16_t fine_timestamp; // 10 bit
uint16_t flags_low_priority; // 12 bit
uint16_t flags_high_priority; // 8 bit
size_t traceLenght; // 64 bit
uint8_t downSampling; // 8 bit
bool board_fail;
bool flush;
uint8_t analog_probes_type[2]; // 3 bit for PHA, 4 bit for PSD
uint8_t digital_probes_type[4]; // 4 bit for PHA, 5 bit for PSD
int32_t * analog_probes[2]; // 18 bit
uint8_t * digital_probes[4]; // 1 bit
uint16_t trigger_threashold; // 16 bit
size_t event_size; // 64 bit
uint32_t aggCounter; // 32 bit
///============= for raw
uint8_t * data;
size_t dataSize; /// number of byte of the data, size/8 = word [64 bits]
uint32_t n_events;
bool isTraceAllZero;
void Init(){
DPPType = DPPType::PHA;
dataType = DataFormat::ALL;
channel = 0;
energy = 0;
energy_short = 0;
timestamp = 0;
fine_timestamp = 0;
downSampling = 0;
board_fail = false;
flush = false;
flags_low_priority = 0;
flags_high_priority = 0;
trigger_threashold = 0;
event_size = 0;
aggCounter = 0;
analog_probes[0] = NULL;
analog_probes[1] = NULL;
digital_probes[0] = NULL;
digital_probes[1] = NULL;
digital_probes[2] = NULL;
digital_probes[3] = NULL;
analog_probes_type[0] = 0xFF;
analog_probes_type[1] = 0xFF;
digital_probes_type[0] = 0xFF;
digital_probes_type[1] = 0xFF;
digital_probes_type[2] = 0xFF;
digital_probes_type[3] = 0xFF;
data = NULL;
isTraceAllZero = true; // indicate trace are all zero
void ClearMemory(){
if( data != NULL ) delete data;
if( analog_probes[0] != NULL) delete analog_probes[0];
if( analog_probes[1] != NULL) delete analog_probes[1];
if( digital_probes[0] != NULL) delete digital_probes[0];
if( digital_probes[1] != NULL) delete digital_probes[1];
if( digital_probes[2] != NULL) delete digital_probes[2];
if( digital_probes[3] != NULL) delete digital_probes[3];
isTraceAllZero = true;
void SetDataType(unsigned int type, std::string dppType){
dataType = type;
DPPType = dppType;
if( dataType == DataFormat::Raw){
data = new uint8_t[20*1024*1024];
analog_probes[0] = new int32_t[MaxTraceLenght];
analog_probes[1] = new int32_t[MaxTraceLenght];
digital_probes[0] = new uint8_t[MaxTraceLenght];
digital_probes[1] = new uint8_t[MaxTraceLenght];
digital_probes[2] = new uint8_t[MaxTraceLenght];
digital_probes[3] = new uint8_t[MaxTraceLenght];
isTraceAllZero = true;
void ClearTrace(){
if( isTraceAllZero ) return; // no need to clear again
for( int i = 0; i < MaxTraceLenght; i++){
analog_probes[0][i] = 0;
analog_probes[1][i] = 0;
digital_probes[0][i] = 0;
digital_probes[1][i] = 0;
digital_probes[2][i] = 0;
digital_probes[3][i] = 0;
isTraceAllZero = true;
void PrintEnergyTimeStamp(){
printf("ch: %2d, energy: %u, timestamp: %lu ch, traceLenght: %lu\n", channel, energy, timestamp, traceLenght);
std::string AnaProbeType(uint8_t probeType){
if( DPPType == DPPType::PHA){
case 0: return "ADC";
case 1: return "Time filter";
case 2: return "Energy filter";
default : return "none";
}else if (DPPType == DPPType::PSD){
case 0: return "ADC";
case 9: return "Baseline";
case 10: return "CFD";
default : return "none";
return "none";
std::string DigiProbeType(uint8_t probeType){
if( DPPType == DPPType::PHA){
case 0: return "Trigger";
case 1: return "Time filter armed";
case 2: return "Re-trigger guard";
case 3: return "Energy filter baseline freeze";
case 4: return "Energy filter peaking";
case 5: return "Energy filter peaking ready";
case 6: return "Energy filter pile-up guard";
case 7: return "Event pile-up";
case 8: return "ADC saturation";
case 9: return "ADC saturation protection";
case 10: return "Post-saturation event";
case 11: return "Energy filter saturation";
case 12: return "Signal inhibit";
default : return "none";
}else if (DPPType == DPPType::PSD){
case 0: return "Trigger";
case 1: return "CFD Filter Armed";
case 2: return "Re-trigger guard";
case 3: return "ADC Input Baseline freeze";
case 20: return "ADC Input OverThreshold";
case 21: return "Charge Ready";
case 22: return "Long Gate";
case 7: return "Pile-Up Trig.";
case 24: return "Short Gate";
case 25: return "Energy Saturation";
case 26: return "Charge over-range";
case 27: return "ADC Input Neg. OverThreshold";
default : return "none";
return "none";
std::string HighPriority(uint16_t prio){
std::string output;
bool pileup = prio & 0x1;
//bool pileupGuard = (prio >> 1) & 0x1;
//bool eventSaturated = (prio >> 2) & 0x1;
//bool postSatEvent = (prio >> 3) & 0x1;
//bool trapSatEvent = (prio >> 4) & 0x1;
//bool SCA_Event = (prio >> 5) & 0x1;
output = std::string("Pile-up: ") + (pileup ? "Yes" : "No");
return output;
//TODO LowPriority
void PrintAll(){
case DataFormat::ALL : printf("============= Type : ALL\n"); break;
case DataFormat::OneTrace : printf("============= Type : OneTrace\n"); break;
case DataFormat::NoTrace : printf("============= Type : NoTrace\n"); break;
case DataFormat::MiniWithFineTime : printf("============= Type : Min with FineTimestamp\n"); break;
case DataFormat::Minimum : printf("============= Type : Minimum\n"); break;
case DataFormat::Raw : printf("============= Type : Raw\n"); return; break;
default : return;
printf("ch : %2d (0x%02X), fail: %d, flush: %d\n", channel, channel, board_fail, flush);
if( DPPType == DPPType::PHA ) printf("energy: %u, timestamp: %lu, fine_timestamp: %u \n", energy, timestamp, fine_timestamp);
if( DPPType == DPPType::PSD ) printf("energy: %u, energy_S : %u, timestamp: %lu, fine_timestamp: %u \n", energy, energy_short, timestamp, fine_timestamp);
printf("flag (high): 0x%02X, (low): 0x%03X, traceLength: %lu\n", flags_high_priority, flags_low_priority, traceLenght);
printf("Agg counter : %u, trigger Thr.: %u, downSampling: %u \n", aggCounter, trigger_threashold, downSampling);
printf("AnaProbe Type: %s(%u), %s(%u)\n", AnaProbeType(analog_probes_type[0]).c_str(), analog_probes_type[0],
AnaProbeType(analog_probes_type[1]).c_str(), analog_probes_type[1]);
printf("DigProbe Type: %s(%u), %s(%u), %s(%u), %s(%u)\n", DigiProbeType(digital_probes_type[0]).c_str(), digital_probes_type[0],
DigiProbeType(digital_probes_type[1]).c_str(), digital_probes_type[1],
DigiProbeType(digital_probes_type[2]).c_str(), digital_probes_type[2],
DigiProbeType(digital_probes_type[3]).c_str(), digital_probes_type[3]);
void PrintTrace(unsigned short ID){
for(unsigned short i = 0; i < (unsigned short)traceLenght; i++){
if( ID == 0 ) printf("%4d| %6d\n", i, analog_probes[0][i]);
if( ID == 1 ) printf("%4d| %6d\n", i, analog_probes[1][i]);
if( ID == 2 ) printf("%4d| %u\n", i, digital_probes[0][i]);
if( ID == 3 ) printf("%4d| %u\n", i, digital_probes[1][i]);
if( ID == 4 ) printf("%4d| %u\n", i, digital_probes[2][i]);
if( ID == 5 ) printf("%4d| %u\n", i, digital_probes[3][i]);
void PrintAllTrace(){
for(unsigned short i = 0; i < (unsigned short)traceLenght; i++){
printf("%4d| %6d %6d %1d %1d %1d %1d\n", i, analog_probes[0][i],
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
ROOTFLAG=`root-config --cflags --glibs`
all: EventBuilder
EventBuilder: EventBuilder.cpp SolReader.h Hit.h
$(CC) $(CFLAG) EventBuilder.cpp -o EventBuilder ${ROOTFLAG}
-rm EventBuilder
@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
#include <stdio.h> /// for FILE
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h> // time in nano-sec
#include "Hit.h"
class SolReader {
FILE * inFile;
unsigned int inFileSize;
unsigned int filePos;
unsigned int totNumBlock;
unsigned short blockStartIdentifier;
unsigned int numBlock;
bool isScanned;
void init();
std::vector<unsigned int> blockPos;
SolReader(std::string fileName, unsigned short dataType);
void OpenFile(std::string fileName);
int ReadNextBlock(int isSkip = 0); // opt = 0, noraml, 1, fast
int ReadBlock(unsigned int index, bool verbose = false);
void ScanNumBlock();
bool IsEndOfFile() const {return (filePos >= inFileSize ? true : false);}
unsigned int GetBlockID() const {return numBlock - 1;}
unsigned int GetNumBlock() const {return numBlock;}
unsigned int GetTotalNumBlock() const {return totNumBlock;}
unsigned int GetFilePos() const {return filePos;}
unsigned int GetFileSize() const {return inFileSize;}
void RewindFile();
Hit * hit;
void SolReader::init(){
inFileSize = 0;
numBlock = 0;
filePos = 0;
totNumBlock = 0;
hit = new Hit();
isScanned = false;
SolReader::SolReader(std::string fileName, unsigned short dataType = 0){
hit->SetDataType(dataType, DPPType::PHA);
if( !inFile ) fclose(inFile);
delete hit;
inline void SolReader::OpenFile(std::string fileName){
inFile = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "r");
if( inFile == NULL ){
printf("Cannot open file : %s \n", fileName.c_str());
fseek(inFile, 0L, SEEK_END);
inFileSize = ftell(inFile);
inline int SolReader::ReadBlock(unsigned int index, bool verbose){
if( isScanned == false) return -1;
if( index >= totNumBlock )return -1;
fseek(inFile, 0L, SEEK_SET);
if( verbose ) printf("Block index: %u, File Pos: %u byte\n", index, blockPos[index]);
fseek(inFile, blockPos[index], SEEK_CUR);
filePos = blockPos[index];
numBlock = index;
return ReadNextBlock();
inline int SolReader::ReadNextBlock(int isSkip){
if( inFile == NULL ) return -1;
if( feof(inFile) ) return -1;
if( filePos >= inFileSize) return -1;
fread(&blockStartIdentifier, 2, 1, inFile);
if( (blockStartIdentifier & 0xAA00) != 0xAA00 ) {
printf("header fail.\n");
return -2 ;
if( ( blockStartIdentifier & 0xF ) == DataFormat::Raw ){
hit->SetDataType(DataFormat::Raw, ((blockStartIdentifier >> 1) & 0xF) == 0 ? DPPType::PHA : DPPType::PSD);
hit->dataType = blockStartIdentifier & 0xF;
hit->DPPType = ((blockStartIdentifier >> 4) & 0xF) == 0 ? DPPType::PHA : DPPType::PSD;
if( hit->dataType == DataFormat::ALL){
if( isSkip == 0 ){
fread(&hit->channel, 1, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->energy, 2, 1, inFile);
if( hit->DPPType == DPPType::PSD ) fread(&hit->energy_short, 2, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->timestamp, 6, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->fine_timestamp, 2, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->flags_high_priority, 1, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->flags_low_priority, 2, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->downSampling, 1, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->board_fail, 1, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->flush, 1, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->trigger_threashold, 2, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->event_size, 8, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->aggCounter, 4, 1, inFile);
fseek(inFile, hit->DPPType == DPPType::PHA ? 31 : 33, SEEK_CUR);
fread(&hit->traceLenght, 8, 1, inFile);
if( isSkip == 0){
fread(hit->analog_probes_type, 2, 1, inFile);
fread(hit->digital_probes_type, 4, 1, inFile);
fread(hit->analog_probes[0], hit->traceLenght*4, 1, inFile);
fread(hit->analog_probes[1], hit->traceLenght*4, 1, inFile);
fread(hit->digital_probes[0], hit->traceLenght, 1, inFile);
fread(hit->digital_probes[1], hit->traceLenght, 1, inFile);
fread(hit->digital_probes[2], hit->traceLenght, 1, inFile);
fread(hit->digital_probes[3], hit->traceLenght, 1, inFile);
fseek(inFile, 6 + hit->traceLenght*(12), SEEK_CUR);
}else if( hit->dataType == DataFormat::OneTrace){
if( isSkip == 0 ){
fread(&hit->channel, 1, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->energy, 2, 1, inFile);
if( hit->DPPType == DPPType::PSD ) fread(&hit->energy_short, 2, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->timestamp, 6, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->fine_timestamp, 2, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->flags_high_priority, 1, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->flags_low_priority, 2, 1, inFile);
fseek(inFile, hit->DPPType == DPPType::PHA ? 14 : 16, SEEK_CUR);
fread(&hit->traceLenght, 8, 1, inFile);
if( isSkip == 0){
fread(&hit->analog_probes_type[0], 1, 1, inFile);
fread(hit->analog_probes[0], hit->traceLenght*4, 1, inFile);
fseek(inFile, 1 + hit->traceLenght*4, SEEK_CUR);
}else if( hit->dataType == DataFormat::NoTrace){
if( isSkip == 0 ){
fread(&hit->channel, 1, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->energy, 2, 1, inFile);
if( hit->DPPType == DPPType::PSD ) fread(&hit->energy_short, 2, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->timestamp, 6, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->fine_timestamp, 2, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->flags_high_priority, 1, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->flags_low_priority, 2, 1, inFile);
fseek(inFile, hit->DPPType == DPPType::PHA ? 14 : 16, SEEK_CUR);
}else if( hit->dataType == DataFormat::MiniWithFineTime){
if( isSkip == 0 ){
fread(&hit->channel, 1, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->energy, 2, 1, inFile);
if( hit->DPPType == DPPType::PSD ) fread(&hit->energy_short, 2, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->timestamp, 6, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->fine_timestamp, 2, 1, inFile);
fseek(inFile, hit->DPPType == DPPType::PHA ? 11 : 13, SEEK_CUR);
}else if( hit->dataType == DataFormat::Minimum){
if( isSkip == 0 ){
fread(&hit->channel, 1, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->energy, 2, 1, inFile);
if( hit->DPPType == DPPType::PSD ) fread(&hit->energy_short, 2, 1, inFile);
fread(&hit->timestamp, 6, 1, inFile);
fseek(inFile, hit->DPPType == DPPType::PHA ? 9 : 11, SEEK_CUR);
}else if( hit->dataType == DataFormat::Raw){
fread(&hit->dataSize, 8, 1, inFile);
if( isSkip == 0){
fread(hit->data, hit->dataSize, 1, inFile);
fseek(inFile, hit->dataSize, SEEK_CUR);
numBlock ++;
filePos = ftell(inFile);
return 0;
void SolReader::RewindFile(){
filePos = 0;
numBlock = 0;
void SolReader::ScanNumBlock(){
if( inFile == NULL ) return;
if( feof(inFile) ) return;
numBlock = 0;
while( ReadNextBlock(1) == 0){
printf("%u, %.2f%% %u/%u\n\033[A\r", numBlock, filePos*100./inFileSize, filePos, inFileSize);
totNumBlock = numBlock;
numBlock = 0;
isScanned = true;
printf("\nScan complete: number of data Block : %u\n", totNumBlock);
filePos = 0;
//for( int i = 0; i < totNumBlock; i++){
// printf("%7d | %u \n", i, blockPos[i]);
Executable file
Executable file
@ -289,8 +289,130 @@
<p id="n2"></p>
<p id="n3"></p>
<!-- ===================================================== -->
<h2> DWBA & Monte Carlo Simultion </h2>
<h3>DWBA and E<sub>x</sub> List:</h3>
<b style="color:red;">For 2-nucleon transfer</b>, <b>Orbital</b> take the form NL=X, where N is number of node, X is momentum number. n and L are related by Σ<sub>i</sub> (2n<sub>i</sub>+l<sub>i</sub>) = 2N + X + 2n + l, where n<sub>i</sub> and l<sub>i</sub> are the principle number and orbital angular momentum of the each transfered nucleon, and n and l are the internal quanta of the 2-nucleon. e.g. (t,p) reaction to 0f orbtial, the left-hand side would be n<sub>i</sub> = 0 and l<sub>i</sub> = 3 and the sum is 3+3 = 6 = 2N + X + 2n+l. Assume n = l = 0, we have 6 = 2N+L. Thus, 3L=0, 2L=2,1L=4, 0L=6. </p>
Beam J<sup>π</sup>: <input type="text" id="neam_jpi" size="5" value=""/>
<BR>TODO: guess the orbital for Beam J<sup>π</sup>=0
<input type="checkbox" id="pos" onclick="checkParity()" checked/>Positive parity</td>
<input type="checkbox" id="neg" onclick="checkParity()" checked/>Negative parity</td>
<input type="checkbox" id="unk" onclick="checkParity()" checked/>Unknown parity</td>
<button type="button" onclick="addStates()">Add known states</button>
Max Ex: <input type="text" id="maxEx" size="5" value="5"/>MeV
<p id='waiting'></p>
<table id="ExTable2">
<td><b> E<sub>x</sub> [MeV] </b></td>
<td><b> J<sup>π</sup></b></td>
<td><b> Orbital </b></td>
<td><input type="text" name="Ex" size="5" value="0"/></td>
<td><input type="text" name="Jpi" size="5" value="3/2+"/></td>
<td><input type="text" name="Orb" size="6" value="0d3/2"/></td>
<td><button type="button" onclick="addRow2(this)">Insert Ex</button></td>
<td><button type="button" onclick="deleteRow2(this)">Remove Ex</button></td>
<!-- <tr>
<td><button type="button" onclick="copyEx()">Copy Ex</button></td>
<td><button type="button" onclick="pasteEx()"> Paste Ex </button></td>
</tr> -->
<input type="checkbox" name="DWBA" value="On"/>Cal. DWBA
<td>Incoming Channel</td>
<select name="op1">
<option value="A" selected>D | An & Cai (2006) E < 183, 12 < A < 238</option>
<option value="H">D | Han, Shi, & Shen (2006) E < 200, 12 < A < 209</option>
<option value="B">D | Bojowald et al. (1988) 50 < E < 80, 27 < A < 208</option>
<option value="D">D | Daehnick, Childs, Vrcelj (1980) 11.8 < E < 80, 27 < A < 238 (REL) </option>
<option value="C">D | Daehnick, Childs, Vrcelj (1980) 11.8 < E < 80, 27 < A < 238 (NON-REL) </option>
<option value="L">D | Lohr and Haeberli (1974) 9 < E < 13, 40 < A </option>
<option value="Q">D | Perey and Perey (1963) 12 < E < 25, 40 < A </option>
<option value="Z">D | Zhang, Pang, Lou (2016) 5 < E < 170, A < 18, spe 6-7Li </option>
<option value="K">P | Koning & Delaroche (2009) E < 200, 24 < A < 209 | Iso.Dep.</option>
<option value="V">P | Varner et al. (1991) 16 < E < 65, 4 < A < 209</option>
<option value="M">P | Menet et al. (1971) 30 < E < 60, 40 < A </option>
<option value="G">P | Becchetti and Greenlees (1969) E < 50, 40 < A </option>
<option value="P">P | Perey (1963) E < 20, 30 < A < 100 </option>
<option value="x">A=3 | Xu, Guo, Han, & Shen (2011) E < 250, 20 < A < 209 </option>
<option value="l">A=3 | Liang, Li, & Cai (2009) E < 270, All masses </option>
<option value="p">A=3 | Pang et al. (2009) all E, all masses, Iso. Dep. </option>
<option value="c">A=3 | Li, Liang, Cai (2007), E < 40, 48 < A < 232, Tritons </option>
<option value="t">A=3 | Trost et al. (1987) 10 < E < 220, 10 < A < 208 </option>
<option value="h">A=3 | Hyakutake et al. (1980) 90 < E < 120, About 58 < A < 92 </option>
<option value="b">A=3 | Becchetti and Greenlees (1971), E < 40, 40 < A, Iso. Dep. </option>
<option value="s">A=4 | Su & Han (2015) E < 398, 20 < A < 209 </option>
<option value="a">A=4 | Avrigeanu et al. (2009) </option>
<option value="f">A=4 | Bassani and Picard (1969) 24 < E < 31, A = 90 </option>
<td>Outgoing Channel</td>
<select name="op2">
<option value="A">D | An & Cai (2006) E < 183, 12 < A < 238</option>
<option value="H">D | Han, Shi, & Shen (2006) E < 200, 12 < A < 209</option>
<option value="B">D | Bojowald et al. (1988) 50 < E < 80, 27 < A < 208</option>
<option value="D">D | Daehnick, Childs, Vrcelj (1980) 11.8 < E < 80, 27 < A < 238 (REL) </option>
<option value="C">D | Daehnick, Childs, Vrcelj (1980) 11.8 < E < 80, 27 < A < 238 (NON-REL) </option>
<option value="L">D | Lohr and Haeberli (1974) 9 < E < 13, 40 < A </option>
<option value="Q">D | Perey and Perey (1963) 12 < E < 25, 40 < A </option>
<option value="Z">D | Zhang, Pang, Lou (2016) 5 < E < 170, A < 18, spe 6-7Li </option>
<option value="K" selected>P | Koning & Delaroche (2009) E < 200, 24 < A < 209, Iso.Dep.</option>
<option value="V">P | Varner et al. (1991) 16 < E < 65, 4 < A < 209</option>
<option value="M">P | Menet et al. (1971) 30 < E < 60, 40 < A </option>
<option value="G">P | Becchetti and Greenlees (1969) E < 50, 40 < A </option>
<option value="P">P | Perey (1963) E < 20, 30 < A < 100 </option>
<option value="x">A=3 | Xu, Guo, Han, & Shen (2011) E < 250, 20 < A < 209 </option>
<option value="l">A=3 | Liang, Li, & Cai (2009) E < 270, All masses </option>
<option value="p">A=3 | Pang et al. (2009) all E | all masses, Iso. Dep. </option>
<option value="c">A=3 | Li, Liang, Cai (2007), E < 40, 48 < A < 232, Tritons </option>
<option value="t">A=3 | Trost et al. (1987) 10 < E < 220, 10 < A < 208 </option>
<option value="h">A=3 | Hyakutake et al. (1980) 90 < E < 120, About 58 < A < 92 </option>
<option value="b">A=3 | Becchetti and Greenlees (1971), E < 40, 40 < A, Iso. Dep. </option>
<option value="s">A=4 | Su & Han (2015) E < 398, 20 < A < 209 </option>
<option value="a">A=4 | Avrigeanu et al. (2009) </option>
<option value="f">A=4 | Bassani and Picard (1969) 24 < E < 31, A = 90 </option>
<input type="checkbox" name="onlyDWBA" value="On"/>Only DWBA and Don't Sim. Angle range (for only DWBA)
<td>Min [deg]: </td>
<td><input type = "text" name = "minAng" size="6" value="0" /></td>
<td>Max [deg]: </td>
<td><input type = "text" name = "maxAng" size="6" value="90"/></td>
<button type="button" onclick="DWBA_Sim()" style="width:200px;height:60px;">Run DWBA and Simulation</button>
<!-- ===================================================== -->
<h1>θ<sub>CM</sub> Calculator</h1>
The calculation only give θ<sub>CM</sub> after the bending.
@ -323,94 +445,6 @@ The calculation only give θ<sub>CM</sub> after the bending.
<!-- ===================================================== -->
<h1> DWBA and Monte Carlo Simulation (under construction...)</h1>
<table id='DWBATable' style="border:1px solid; text-align:center;">
<td> E<sub>x</sub> [MeV]</td>
<td> J<sup>π</sup></td>
<td> Orbital </td>
<td id='dwba1'>0</td>
<td><input type="text" name="Jpi" size="5" value="3/2+" enterkeyhint="done"/></td>
<td><input type="text" name="Orb" size="5" value="0d3/2" enterkeyhint="done"/></td>
<td id='dwba2'>0</td>
<td><input type="text" name="Jpi" size="5" value="1/2+" enterkeyhint="done"/></td>
<td><input type="text" name="Orb" size="5" value="1s1/2" enterkeyhint="done"/></td>
<input type="checkbox" name="DWBA" value="On"/>Cal. DWBA
<td>Incoming Channel</td>
<select name="op1">
<option value="A" selected>D | An & Cai (2006), E < 183, 12 < A < 238</option>
<option value="H">D | Han, Shi, & Shen, (2006), E < 200 | 12 < A < 209</option>
<option value="B">D | Bojowald et al., (1988), 50 < E < 80 | 27 < A < 208</option>
<option value="K">P | Koning & Delaroche, (2009), E < 200 | 24 < A < 209 | Iso.Dep.</option>
<option value="V">P | Varner et al., (1991), 16 < E < 65 | 4 < A < 209</option>
<option value="M">P | Menet et al., (1971), 30 < E < 60 | 40 < A </option>
<option value="x">A=3 | Xu, Guo, Han, & Shen, (2011), E < 250 | 20 < A < 209 </option>
<option value="l">A=3 | Liang, Li, & Cai, (2009), E < 270 | All masses </option>
<option value="x">A=4 | Su & Han, (2015), E < 398 | 20 < A < 209 </option>
<td>Outgoing Channel</td>
<select name="op2">
<option value="A">D | An & Cai (2006), E < 183, 12 < A < 238</option>
<option value="H">D | Han, Shi, & Shen, (2006), E < 200 | 12 < A < 209</option>
<option value="B">D | Bojowald et al., (1988), 50 < E < 80 | 27 < A < 208</option>
<option value="K" selected>P | Koning & Delaroche, (2009), E < 200 | 24 < A < 209 | Iso.Dep.</option>
<option value="V">P | Varner et al., (1991), 16 < E < 65 | 4 < A < 209</option>
<option value="M">P | Menet et al., (1971), 30 < E < 60 | 40 < A </option>
<option value="x">A=3 | Xu, Guo, Han, & Shen, (2011), E < 250 | 20 < A < 209 </option>
<option value="l">A=3 | Liang, Li, & Cai, (2009), E < 270 | All masses </option>
<option value="x">A=4 | Su & Han, (2015), E < 398 | 20 < A < 209 </option>
<h3> Plot config (still working on):</h3>
<input type="checkbox" name="plot" value="pEZ" checked/>E vs Z<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="plot" value="pExCal" checked/>Ex (cal.)<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="plot" value="pThetaCM" checked/>ThetaCM<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="plot" value="pThetaCM_Z" checked/>ThetaCM vs Z<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="plot" value="pRecoilXY" checked/>Recoil X vs Y<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="plot" value="pRecoilRThetaCM"/>Recoil-R vs ThetaCM<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="plot" value="pRecoilRZ"/>Recoil R vs Z<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="plot" value="pArrayXY"/>Array X vs Y<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="gate" value="hit==1" checked/>Array Hit<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="gate" value="loop<=1" checked/>Loop = 1<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="gate" value="thetaCM>10" checked/> ThetaCM > 10 deg<br>
<input type = "submit" value = "Run Simulation" style="width:200px;height:60px;font-size:20px" />
<iframe style="border:none;"></iframe>
<!-- ===================================================== -->
HELIOSmatics was first built by Ben P. Kay in MS Excel around 2010. It was modified by Ryan Tang later. And now it migrated to the web on Dec, 2022.
@ -419,52 +453,11 @@ The calculation can be found in the source code (heliosmatics.js or press F12)
Experimental 3D model
<div id="Plot_3D" class="plotStyle"></div>
<!-- ######################################################################################### -->
<script src="heliosmatics.js"></script>
function CopyInputs(){
let inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
let copyText = "====HELIOSMATICS|";
for(let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++){
if( inputs[i].type == 'text'){
if( inputs[i].id.substring(0,2) == 'Ex' || inputs[i].id.substring(0,5) == 'theta' ) {
if( inputs[i].id == 'innerRecoil'){
copyText += inputs[i].value + ", ";
copyText += document.getElementById('heavyName').innerHTML;
() => {
alert('Setting copied to clipboard.\nCan paste it in Monte Carlo simulation.\n' + copyText);
() =>{
alert('Cannot copy.');
<script src="montecarlo.js"></script>
@ -2,15 +2,13 @@
//color : #767A4C;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
a {
//color : #F7CF3C;
color : #1363A7;
hr {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
a {
color : #1363A7;
hr {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
function addRow2(ele) {
let iRow = ele.closest('tr').sectionRowIndex;
let table = document.getElementById("ExTable2");
let row = table.insertRow(iRow+1);
row.innerHTML = '<td><input type="text" name="Ex" size="5" /></td> \
<td><input type="text" name="Jpi" size="5"/></td> \
<td><input type="text" name="Orb" size="6"/></td> \
<td><button type="button" onclick="addRow(this)">Insert Ex</button></td> \
<td><button type="button" onclick="deleteRow(this)">Remove Ex</button></td>';
function deleteRow2(ele){
let table = document.getElementById("ExTable2");
let nRow = table.rows.length;
let iRow = ele.closest('tr').sectionRowIndex;
if ( nRow > 2){
let parity;
function checkParity(){
parity = 0;
if( document.getElementById('pos').checked == true ) parity += 1;
if( document.getElementById('neg').checked == true ) parity += 2;
if( document.getElementById('unk').checked == true ) parity += 4;
function addStates(){
let AZ = document.getElementById('heavyName').value;
let maxEx = document.getElementById('maxEx').value;
let beamJpi = document.getElementById('beam_Jpi').value;
let str = '' + AZ + '&maxEx='+maxEx;
let table = document.getElementById("ExTable");
const client = new XMLHttpRequest();
document.getElementById('waiting').innerHTML = "wait....retrieving data from IAEA..";
document.getElementById('waiting').innerHTML = "Error.";
let result = client.responseText.split(/\r?\n/);
//clear table
let nRow = table.rows.length;
for( let j = nRow; j > 2; j--){
table.deleteRow(j - 2);
document.getElementById('waiting').innerHTML = "";
let count = 0;
for( let i = 0; i < result.length; i++){
if( i < 17 ) continue;
if( result[i] == "</table>" ) break;
let kaka = result[i].split(' ').filter(n => n);
let ex = parseFloat(kaka[3])/1000.;
let jpi = kaka[7]?.replace('(', '')?.replace(')', '');
console.log(ex + ", " + jpi);
//check parity
if( (((parity >> 2) & 1) != 1) && kaka[7].slice(-1) == ")" ) continue;
if( (((parity >> 2) & 1) != 1) && jpi == "," ) continue;
if( (((parity) & 1) != 1) && jpi.slice(-1) == "+" ) continue;
if( (((parity >> 1) & 1) != 1) && jpi.slice(-1) == "-" ) continue;
count ++;
nRow = table.rows.length;
let row = table.insertRow(nRow-1);
row.innerHTML = '<td><input type="text" name="Ex" size="5" value="' + ex.toFixed(3) + '"/></td> \
<td><input type="text" name="Jpi" size="5" value="' + jpi + '"/></td> \
<td><input type="text" name="Orb" size="6" /></td> \
<td><button type="button" onclick="addRow(this)">Insert Ex</button></td> \
<td><button type="button" onclick="deleteRow(this)">Remove Ex</button></td> \
<td>'+ kaka[7] +'</td>';
if( count == 0 ){
document.getElementById('waiting').innerHTML = "no states found.";
nRow = table.rows.length;
let row = table.insertRow(nRow-1);
row.innerHTML = '<td><input type="text" name="Ex" size="5" value="0"/></td> \
<td><input type="text" name="Jpi" size="5" value="1/2+"/></td> \
<td><input type="text" name="Orb" size="6" value="1s1/2"/></td> \
<td><button type="button" onclick="addRow(this)">Insert Ex</button></td> \
<td><button type="button" onclick="deleteRow(this)">Remove Ex</button></td>';
||||'GET', str);
@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
///// pElum1RThetaCM, /// 16
///// pEmpty }; /// 17
/////=============================================== User Config
{pEZ, pExCal, pThetaCM, pRecoilRZ, break, pThetaCM_Z, pRecoilXY, pInfo, pRecoilRThetaCM} //Canvas config
{pEZ, pExCal, pThetaCM, pRecoilRZ, break, pThetaCM_Z, pRecoilXY, pInfo, pArrayXY} //Canvas config
hit == 1 && loop <= 1 && thetaCM > 10
60 //elum range
{0,50} //thetaCM range
false //shownKELines
true //shownKELines
false //isOverRideEx
{-0.5, 4.0} // over-rdied Ex range
///============================== example of gate
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#include "../Armory/ClassDetGeo.h"
#include "../Armory/ClassReactionConfig.h"
#include "../Cleopatra/ClassHelios.h"
#include "../Cleopatra/ClassTransfer.h"
void test(){
// DetGeo haha("detectorGeo.txt");
// haha.Print(true);
// ReactionConfig config("reactionConfig.txt");
// config.Print();
TransferReaction * transfer = new TransferReaction();
// transfer->SetReactionSimple(32, 14, 2, 1, 1, 1, 8.8);
int ID = 0;
transfer->SetReactionFromFile("reactionConfig.txt", ID);
transfer->Event(25 * TMath::DegToRad(), 0 * TMath::DegToRad());
// ReactionConfig config2 = transfer->GetRectionConfig();
// HELIOS * helios = new HELIOS();
// helios->SetDetectorGeometry("detectorGeo.txt", 1);
// helios->PrintGeometry();
// TLorentzVector Pb = transfer->GetPb();
// printf("Charge : %d\n", Pb.GetUniqueID());
// int hit = helios->CalArrayHit(Pb, false);
// helios->CheckDetAcceptance();
// // //helios->CalTrajectoryPara(Pb, config.recoilLightZ, true);
// printf("\n hit = %d | %s | %s\n", hit, helios->GetHitMessage().Data(), helios->GetAcceptanceMessage().Data());
// trajectory orb = helios->GetTrajectory_b();
// orb.PrintTrajectory();
// delete helios;
delete transfer;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user