95bff19bb4bug fix; ClassTransfer can set reaction from ClassReaction
2024-07-28 19:52:35 -0500
d01d26988dreactionConfig.txt use isotope symbol,e.g. 44Ti
2024-07-28 19:32:05 -0500
1fcfc5852eupdate the reactionConfig.txt for IAEA excited states list
2024-07-28 19:16:43 -0500
874918c275reactionConfig can use IAEA for excited energies
2024-07-28 19:02:58 -0500
90df60b650bug fix for SimCheckerConfig.txt renamed
2024-07-12 17:06:05 -0400
bba74763f0rename SimChecker_Config.txt to SimCheckerConfig.txtRyan Tang2024-07-10 17:35:05 -0400
34ecf9be1dtested with Process_Run, smooth. Next: need Calibrations, export new rootRyan Tang2024-07-10 17:34:20 -0400
08577871eeMonAnalyser.C basically done. Need to link to ChainMonitors.C, need RDTCutCreator, need Calibrations stuffs.Ryan Tang2024-07-10 16:18:46 -0400
19a567f8fcadding RDT Cuts... not tested
2024-07-09 19:13:04 -0400
9c2f52009aMonAnalyzer: finished array. need to do RDT
2024-07-09 17:13:28 -0400
a80e5e2b64making progress... need to convert on of helios run to have better test
2024-07-08 22:24:44 -0400
56285cef62still working on Monitor. Shift to TTreeReader
2024-07-08 18:04:25 -0400
052ec49e9ehave SimChecker.C working. should make it object.
2024-07-05 19:26:51 -0400
1c140d07fcSimTransfer: add AllExList and ExID_ReactID_List in output root
2024-07-04 22:39:02 -0400
4b2598b0b6tested SimTransfer with DWBA, 1 match with ReactionConfig, 2 does not match, 3 some match some doese not
2024-07-04 21:16:25 -0400
fbcd90736afixed SimTransfer when no DWBA match with ReactionConfig.txt
2024-07-04 20:46:22 -0400
41c475918bFixing DWBA reactions match with ReactionConfig. cannot gdb in Mac M-chip. snapshot and debug in linux
2024-07-04 19:47:09 -0400
f7d23a53abupdate code for Mac
2024-07-04 18:37:46 -0400
e944682888replace SimTransfer2 to SimTransfer. Already able to use N-arrays and reactionsRyan Tang2024-07-04 13:06:26 -0400
83177e57c7tested with trace fitting with multi-threadRyan Tang2024-07-03 16:41:17 -0400
76976482fesimplify the Process_Run input; some bugs fix; edited README.mdRyan Tang2024-07-02 16:54:20 -0400
245a9b408amodified the Process_XXX up to EventBuilder. Process_Sort and downstream analysis may need to be changed. as TProof does not avalible for root 6.32Ryan Tang2024-07-02 11:26:40 -0400
3d9b135020on the way the adding SimulationChecker.C, not finishedRyan Tang2024-04-05 22:54:28 -0400
e9f397cb16update Check_Simulation.C for the updated ClassDetGeo and ClassReactionConfig.h, some improvement of SimTransferRyan Tang2024-04-03 17:15:24 -0400
f921d03a39added SimTransfer2, this can simulate many arrays many reactions at onceRyan Tang2024-04-03 16:10:26 -0400
3f22531698modified SimTransfer for the modified DetGeo and ReactionConfigRyan Tang2024-04-02 14:30:50 -0400
0905fe73dcmodified ClassReactionConfig.h for many reactionsRyan Tang2024-04-02 13:50:21 -0400
c44fd38783Seperate most of the class into its files: should avoid using Reactionparas struc, use ClassTransfer instead
2024-02-13 18:24:56 -0500
fa514b16f6test Discord push message
Ryan Tang
2024-01-10 19:39:03 -0500
7d755c97a3bug fix, saving e_f for fine timestamp in treeRyan Tang2023-11-14 16:48:05 -0500