FSU Fox's Lab Wiki

From FSU Fox's Lab Wiki
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Tandem Accelerator LINAC
SF6 Gas Handling System Vacuum Systems
Water Cooling System He refrigerator
Computers Network Hardware/Cable Changes for Switching Target Rooms
Ion Sources: This includes the Sputter Source and RF Source
RESOLUT: In-flight radioactive beam facility
Triton Beam Project: Triton Injector

Detector stations

DAQ systems

Software & Resources

Layout of the Laboratory

Lab Model.png

External Collaborations

Past Experiments

List of Past Experiments



for IT and DAQ : Ryan Tang mailto:rtang@fsu.edu
for vacuum : Powell Barber mailto:pbarber@fsu.edu
for accelerator : Lagy Baby mailto:lbaby@fsu.edu
: Ingo Wiedenhoever mailto:iwiedenhoever@fsu.edu